17 years in the making, my first poetry collection, Revenge of the Redhead, is finally out 30 January 2025!

Revenge of the Redhead, a poetry collection by Kristina Adams
Revenge of the Redhead, a poetry collection by Kristina Adams

You can preorder it now for the special preorder price of £1.99/$1.99 from your favourite ebook platforms.

Preorder Revenge of the Redhead here.

Or you can wait until 30 January to get your hands on the paperback (it’s very pretty).

If you’ve never checked out my poetry before, you can read some of my poetry right here on this blog.

Or check out some videos over on my Instagram or TikTok below:

I haven’t posted a lot of poetry on this blog recently because in the last few years, all of my poetic energy has either gone into the Hollywood Gossip book series – where most chapters start with a poem – or Revenge.

Hollywood Gossip by Kristina Adams

It’s a collection filled with themes of generational trauma, situationships, friendship breakups, mental health, and more.

Of course, just because I wrote a poem about a particular thing, that doesn’t mean you’ll read it that way.

One of the beauties of poetry is that once they’re shared with other people, the poems become about the reader, not the writer. We often project our own experiences on to what we read, and poetry is one of the mediums where we do this the most. Maybe because they’re shorter and more specific so it’s easier?

It’s really hard for me to separate the original inspiration from the poem and consider how other people might read the poems, even on poems that I wrote what feels like another lifetime ago.

But now it’s time for me to let go. For you to project your own emotions and experiences on to my words.

Revenge of the Redhead is a collection for women who are tired of being told they can’t feel angry when they’ve been let down or heartbroken. It’s a collection of anger, emotional channelling, and recovery.

And you can get it from 30 January!

And it took me 3 edits of this post to realise I’d written that it was out in 2024 🤣🙈

Ever felt like poetry isn’t for you? Check out my rant on why poetry is taught all wrong.